Knock on by Sale, scrum to Bristol between their 22 and 10m line.
de Jager crashes it up, MacGinty sends it high and it is allowed to bounce.
Vui wins the lineout, Sheedy sends it high.
Into touch and lineout to Bristol.
Dan du Preez steals the lineout. Rob du Preez makes metres through the heart of the Bristol defence. Loose pass and Sale are under pressure.
Lineout to Bristol on halfway.
Bristol get the lineout as it was partially charged. Wide to Purdy who kicks through. Yarde calls the mark.
Randall clears from the restart.
After Randall took the penalty quickly, Bristol take the ball through the phases before Bedlow throws a long ball out to Morahan who cuts in and fends Rob du Preez to score his first try of the season.
Plenty against Ross, Randall goes quickly.