Bustos Moyano makes it 6-3.
Marvin O'Connor makes a break into Brives half. With one defender to beat he throws it to Chisholm but the pass in inaccurate and rolls out of play.
Brive apply pressure deep inside Bayonnes half but a massive hit from Rokocoko and aggressive running allows Bayonne to turn over.
Brive find a good touch deep in Bayonne's half.
Santiago Fernandez gets the second half underway.
A successful kick from Germain brings an end to the first half. Bayonne looking more dangerous but are not clinical enough to turn their possession into points. The score stands 3-3. More updates to come.
Bayonne are penalised at the break down and Gaetan Germain now has a chance to get 3 points from the tee 40 meters out.
Bustos Moyano fails to extend the lead from a penalty.
Tialata and Asieshvili are shown a yellow after a lack of co-operation at the scrum.
The home side are looking for holes in this Brive defence.