Nice one lads!!!!
Quick hands to Curry after a quick tap penalty and the game is on. Momentum is in their favour
Ben Lam goes in and NZ are back in the game. A number of turnovers for both sides with counter rucking but the Champions came out with it and the score was inevitable
The final is 10 minutes a half so there is plenty of time to get back into this game for the New Zealand side
Is this for real!?!
Cameron Clark attempts to shake Forbes off but gives it to his support runner Con Foley who goes in untouched to score. Huge start for Australia
Pakalani bursts through a gap and the Kiwi's seem to be focusing on something else. IT all started with a great counte-ruck and believe it or not but Ben Lam was handed off.
What the **** is going on with the All Blacks!?!
Well worked move by Australia as Lucas goes over. He started it and wrapped around with a dummy runner coming in. Very well worked