Penalty to the Lions on halfway. Stormers off their feet at the ruck. Lineout to the Lions near the 22m

Lions employ an elaborate backline move but is well read by the Stormers. Ball goes out of play and the Stormers have a lineoout on halfway.

Stormers put a grubber through that goes out. Lions lineout on their own 10m line.

Stormers have the ball on the halfway but lose it forward. Ref plays advantage but the Lions eventually throw a forward pass. Stormers scrum midfield on the halfway line.

Lions attacking on the halfway line.

Another penalty for not releasing the player on the ground. Lions lineout 5m out, the Stormers steal the ball at the lineout and clear the ball.

Lions are metres from the line and have a penalty advantage

Lions steal the ball and run it out of their 22m all the way to the Stormers 22m. They then win a penalty after the Stormers are offside. Lions put the ball in the corner. Lineout 5m out.

Lions lose the ball forward and the Stormers are on the attack inside the Lions 22m.

Lions make a break up the side of the field, but the Stormers steal the ball inside their own 22m. They clear the ball and the Lions have a lineout on the Stormers 10m line.