Another really strong scrum there from Italy who refuse to get bullied by the champions. Also excellent line from Beatrice Rigoni.

FRANCE TRY: Quick hands from France set up Julie Billes to scoot over on the left wing. Try converted and we're all square on 7-7

Commentators rightly praising Italy's strong start - stamp of authority and huge pressure early on caught France off guard.

ITALY TRY: Smart kick from flyhalf Schiavon nearly finds Magatti on the wing - then quick tap penalty results in the try, converted!

Two charge downs in a minute from Italian on pressured French pack - Italians have the scrum just metres from the French line.

France under pressure - clearance kick from Tremoilere charged down and just into touch

Italy with good go forward ball - strong running from Bettoni and Cammarano

Kick off out on the full and we'll have a scrum to Italy on half way

Camille Cabalou gets us underway

However they are up against a French team that oozes confidence and belief. It is a remarkable, and largely unnoticed, fact that France have lost just one of their last 15 encounters, 16-18 to Canada in Paris in the semi-final of last year’s World Cup, and have not been defeated in the Six Nations since a trip to Ireland in 2013 - and all this despite having most of their best backs away playing sevens. The under-20 programme has become a production line of fearless talent that does not know how to lose. For all the Italian improvements, repeat of 2013 seems very unlikely.