Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

14 point ball game as Prisciantelli restarts and Zebre Parma have it back

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

No arms in the tackle, penalty Benetton and they will kick for goal

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Lost forward for a Zebre Parma scrum

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Gallo breaks the line and races deep into the 22

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Benetton look to set the drive

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Final 5 minutes

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Zebre Parma caught offside, penalty Benetton and Umaga sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Benetton look to maul and have advantage

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

No try, obstruction at the maul and a penalty for Benetton, Umaga finds touch

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

TMO having a check