Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

A good maul by Wellington but out of nowhere, Gatland rips the ball, passes to Li who is able to clear

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Wellington get another penalty. Playing the name in the air, Kick to corner again

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Kick up to the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Wellington get a penalty on half way

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Garden-Bachop spotted Li out wide and cross kicks but the bounce of the ball is not kind. Referee was playing advantage though for the no arm tackle

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Wellington with the scrum feed, but Harbour put in a massive scrum. They get the penalty

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Gatland the perfect chip kick for Stevenson in midfield. He the spots Duffie out wide and kicks it ahead for Duffie to dot down in the corner. Great try!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Harbour win a relieving penalty. Kick up to the 10m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Wellington up to the 5m. Cranking the pressure

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Wellington get a penalty. Harbour off their feet. Kick to the 22m