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Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Toronto win their lineout and attack on their ten metre line

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Seattle kicks the ball out for touch but it's out on the full so it's brought back to just inside the Toronto half

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Montero intercepts the ball and Toronto gain possession. Seattle turn it over almost immediately though

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Toronto gather well from the restart and clear it for touch almost immediately. Seattle throw it in inside the Toronto ten metre line

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

McRogers makes a break on the blindside from the lineout and he paces his way on the outside over the line!

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Toronto manage to turn the ball over before sending it wide and out for touch. The ball is spotted going out off of a Seattle player and McRogers throws the ball in on the Seattle 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Seattle gather on their 22 as Toronto restart

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Seattle make it onto the board with a good set-piece play! Shepherd throws it in from the lineout and he's the man to go over!

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Seattle win their lineout and maul

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Seattle are awarded with a scrum penalty and they clear for the corner