Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Harlequins still piling on the pressure as they attack about 30m out

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Penalty at scrum time to Harlequins, Jackson sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Lost forward by the hosts for a Harlequins scrum near their own 22

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Better passage of play from Timisoara in Harlequins territory

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Marchant picks up the loose ball and has the pace to score from 40m out

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Chisholm intercepts but Care has lost it forward as Harlequins looked to break

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Timisoara once again gather their own restart

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Walker bags his second after a cut out pass from Morris and good handling from Jackson

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Morris takes it up but Timisoara effect the turnover and clear to touch around their own 22

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Weaving run from Walker evading numerous defenders