Sale attacking wide and Foden knocked the ball down in the tackle. Ref is checking tmo again.
A penalty is given against the Saints for lifting a Tom Curry and dangerously clearing him. Line out on the 22.
Saints break down field but the offloads were very lose and the ball goes forward. Th Ref has stopped play and checking the tmo for foul play.
Saints put in to the scrum. Yarde kicks and Mallinder returns the kick.Saints attacking on the half way
Neil with a great short line. Sale go wide but the Saints defence is comfortable
Sale give away a penalty for offside. Mallinder goes for posts.
Sale go out the back but a lose pass from Haley puts them under pressure which leads to a knock on
Mallinder taps the ball down for a 22. Very dangerous play from Sale. Sale now attacking from deep with Evans.
Yard slips through over the line but the ref blows up for a penalty for obstruction from Curry.
Sale go wide in the opposition 22. Curry crashes wthe ball up again. The Northampton defence is hanging on.