Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ford-Robinson knocks the ball on and Sale have a scrum just inside their 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Gloucester have now built up the momentum as they move over the Sale 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Gloucester are awarded with a scrum penalty and Cipriani kicks the ball out for touch inside the Sale half

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Sale are awarded a scrum as Gloucester are caught offside with Ruskin being caught going into contact before the ball carrier

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Simpson sends the ball out and Gloucester play the hands instead of kicking and they move over the 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Curry goes over the line but knocks the ball on before he can dot it down and it's another scrum on the five metre

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Gloucester have a scrum on their five metre line

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

The try was not awarded as Ashton knocks the ball on along with travelling out for touch before being able to dot the ball down

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Sale get over the line in the corner but is it out? TMO decision to follow

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Sale make some serious ground as Cliff gives a brilliant box kick and they regather it to retain possession