Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty to Seattle. Playing the 9

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Marsh kicks ahead, it rolls into touch

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Seattle clear up to past the 10

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cima restarts the game

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Seattle have blown away New York at halftime. New York will be wondering what hit them. Seattle starved NY of possession as countless penalties never helped. Seattles attacks have been sharp and quick. New York have a mountain to climb

Ultimate Rugby May 5

S Suniula with a big linebreak after the restart, he takes it to the 22, passes to Smith who is in support.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty to Seattle, Staller will have a shot

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penny makes some yards and gets into the NY half

Ultimate Rugby May 5

After some aerial ping pong, we have a Seattle lineout on half way

Ultimate Rugby May 5

New York win the lineout and clear down field