Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Back and forth kicking gives the Beziers the lineout in their own 22m

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Damien Chouly comes back onto the field.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Forward pass and its a scrum to Beziers

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Lineout to Perpignan soon after the restart.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

A jump over the ruck from Williams gets the first try for Beziers.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Forwards are trying to punch a hole.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Williams finds a gap from the lineout and makes it to USAP's 5m

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Kicked for touch and they have a lineout on USAP 22m line.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Beziers get a penalty for playing the ball on ground

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Latorre kicks it off.