Pau clears back and Racing now looking to spread the ball around halfway.
Racing rips the ball away in the tackle and clear deep into Pau territory.
Pau now looking to attack inside the Racing half.
Pau kicks this second half off. An early knock on by Racing means a Pau scrum on halfway.
Pau is not currently looking like the team who is on a 6 game losing streak. They played positive rugby in this first half and they managed to limit the amount of chances that Racing 92 had, while taking advantage of poor Racing discipline to take a ten point lead at halftime.
The direction was good but the kick did not quite have the distance. Racing puts it out and this is halftime.
Pau is looking really dominant now as they win another penalty in a promising position. Taylor will go for goal on the 10m line, 1m from the touchline. This ia a big kick.
I think Ali Williams can be very lucky that the try has been scored. He was responsible for collapsing the maul so a second yellow card might have been coming his way.
Excellent kick by Taylor as he makes it look easy.
Votu did extremely well to just stay infield and ground the ball cleanly. Difficult conversion to come.