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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Zebre Parma have advantage

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Out to Tuivuaka on the right

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Good hit up from Palazzani

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty Zebre for the tackler not rolling away and Rizzi finds touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Rizzi clears, Collins kicks ahead onto Laloifi

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Back left to Protheroe but it's lost forward

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Stolen lineout Ospreys who shift it right to Collins who plays it back inside to Williams

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ospreys back in control as Rizzi restarts, taken by Webb who clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Webb plays it to Griffiths on the left who is over for the score

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Good carry from Henry