Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Reinach launches a high kick

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Francis takes it up and is tackled from the restart

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Penalty to the home side as Fearns does not release

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Fearns off the back of the scrum and Reinach wraps him up

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Forward pass but Lyon will need to tighten things up

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Biggar collects the ball and pops to Reinach but it looks forward. Reinach finishes with such great speed

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Furbank collects a kick, and Butin tackles him

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Lyon will be kicking themselves for not scoring from that Ngatai break

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

The Saints knock on after a collision trying to get the kick

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Reinach set free and he is forced to chip