Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Chiefs collapsing and give away a penalty in the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Chiefs get numbers into the breakdown and win the put in

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Biggar finds touch in the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Chiefs up to halfway but give away a penalty for holding on

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Chiefs stay calm on defense and force the Saints outside the 22m before winning a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Hidalgo-Clyne clears to his 22m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Defensive lineout to the Chiefs on their 5m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Hutchinson stabs a kick into the corner. Long passage of play for both side, who go to a water break

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lawes carries well past half way

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dollman wins a turnover, Chiefs second in a coupe of minutes, Chiefs clear