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Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Munster charged down at the back but it's gone forward off a Sharks hand, scrum Munster

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Tackler not rolling away, penalty Sharks, Pienaar kicks quickly but misses touch

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Loose into touch for a Sharks throw which they take quickly

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Inside the final quarter

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Box kick from Pienaar onto Haley who finds Zebo

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Munster kick long, Chamberlain looks to run from deep

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

High tackle, penalty Munster and Rory Scannell sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Chamberlain chips ahead, Haley covers

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Carbery restarts and it is out on the full, scrum Sharks on halfway

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Intercept from Chamberlain and they will not catch him as he races away from inside his own half