Paul White Oct 10

Agree Edel!!

David Oct 10

Why're people blaming Lancaster when he's 1. Defence coach and 2. Only arrived a few weeks ago when Leinster were pretty shite in Europe last year too?

Josh Oct 10

Well said edel. If anyone wants to buy a Leinster jersey they can have it for a 5er. This seasons. Munster jersey in post.

Sean Carroll Oct 10

Well done boys
LBP. Fantastic
Well deserved

Bryan Russell Oct 10

Adrian go back to soccer thanks

Adrian Sims Oct 10

Being English has not made Lancaster a d***. He has always been a d***!!

Edel Bethel Oct 10

And we're still top of the table now so stop your whining and have some faith in the team from now on you doom and gloomers

Maris Newsome Oct 10

Well done an Laighain!

Barra O' Noramaín Oct 10


Gerard Allen G. Oct 10

Cronin has to start also