The referee is checking for some foul play by the Montpellier side
This time Montpellier get possession on halfway. the ball is unplayable in the ruck. Scrum to Montpellier.
Montpellier kick long again and Castres go to the box kick tactic yet again.
Mogg has just gifted Grosso the opening try. The fullback looks to throw a long skip pass, but Grosso is alert and makes a great line for the interception as he runs in the score.
Kockott kicks ahead and Mogg throws an intercept
The maul goes to ground and Castres have a scrum
Montellier drive through the maul again
Penalty again to Montpellier at the scrum. They elect to kick to touch
Kockott box kicks ahead and David Smith takes the catch. Castres knock on and its a Montpellier scrum on their own 10m
The teams trade kicks and Dumora is tackled hard by Timoci Nagusa