Penalty Racing! Ref indicates that a defender was held back. Lagarde opts to kick to touch.
Great clearance by Lagarde as he sets up the line-out on the halfway!
Lyon feed the line-out, but its not straight
Toby Arnold kicks the ball into the corner. Simon Zebo puts his foot into touch before calling the mark.
Cross-kick by Wisniewski is dealt with by Simon Zebo. Advantage had already expired.
Lyon set up a few phases. They keep attacking from just outside the 22 of Racing. Advantage called by the ref!
Regard finds some space down the right touchline.
Ettienne Oosthuizen obstructs the defender chasing the kickoff. Penalty Racing!
Penalty Lyon. Once more the Racing defenders are deemed offside. Wisniewski has a shot at goal.
Another penalty Lyon. Zebo collects the ball from a Wisniewski kick. Toby Arnold makes the tackle and contests well for the ball, he wins his side a penalty. Kick goes to touch.