Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Williams inserts the ball and goes to Bosch who puts in a big clearance downfield, Horn clears the ball to touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The ref calls for a reset scrum

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Lions secure their line outand Alberts offloads to van der Berg, the ball gets lost in the midfield, scrum Sharks

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

van der Berg goes to his forwards once again but the Sharks defence remains firm, Penalty Lions

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Williams puts in the box kick and Horn gathers, van der Berg goes to his forwards with Alberts throwing a inside pass

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The 22m drop out is taken quick and Sharks regain possession

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

van der Merwe is isolated in the tackle, van der Berg attempts to snipe but there is obstruction, play goes back to a Lions penalty, Lombard opts for the points again

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Lions secure the line out and Louw offloads to Rass in the midfield

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Bosch puts in the clearance kick

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Williams inserts the ball and goes short to van Rensburg but he is brought down, Williams goes short to his forwards for metres