Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

The visitors into the 22 now through their forwards

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Scrum Benetton on the 10m line again. A good attacking platform as they look to break the deadlock

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Lowe gets in from 5m out off of a pass from McGrath

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

They tap quickly and Murphy is stopped 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty Leinster for offside

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Scrum Leinster on the 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Leinster steal the lineout and get a scrum as Duvenage knocks on in the effort to get the ball back

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Frawley grubbers through to touch on the 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Allan again with the kick in behind and Leinster attempt to run it out

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

We're back underway and Benetton have a scrum on the 10m line