Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Benetton look to maul

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Tackler not rolling away and Benetton have a penalty, Keatley kicks for the corner

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Benetton up to the 22

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Duvenage has a snipe himself

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Leinster have it and try a cross kick, Benetton secure

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Holding on and Benetton win the penalty, Keatley sets up an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Larmour with some superb stepping

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Leinster look to run from deep as Sexton breaks and get the pop away to O'Loughlin

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Duvenage tries a dab ahead but Leinster have it

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Box kick from McGrath, Sperandio runs it back