Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Penalty to the Chiefs for offside. Creevy the guilty man

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Chiefs take it up into the 22.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Chiefs win the penalty inside their half.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Cubelli kicks deep past halfway down the middle

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Debreczeni restarts the game

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Chiefs lead at halftime after being behind for the first 27 minutes. Jags started brightly as they scored in the first minute. Chiefs fought back and took the lead before halftime. Jags have lose momentum and are given away too many penalties

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Bonilla doesn't find touch and Chiefs clear for halftime

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Jags then win a penalty on their 10m. Not rolling away

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Chiefs win a penalty at the breakdown. Cane turns over

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Jaguares send it down the line to Cancelliere. He takes it into the 22