Obi makes another good carry but loses the ball, Penalty Griquas, Fouche kicks to touch
Nel makes a big carry under the penalty advantage
The restart is short and the Griquas steals the ball, Jaer breaks but he is tackled inside the 22m
Emerging Ireland turns over the ball, Doak puts in the high kick, Jaer gathers, Alexander goes short to his forwards, Emerging Ireland turns over the ball, the ball goes out wide to Baloucoune and he scores in the corner
The ball is knocked, Griquas plays on
Emerging Ireland secures the line, Doak puts in the high kick, Griquas secures and Fouche clears down field, Daley runs into contact from deep
A water break is called
Crowley clears to touch
Scrum Penalty Emerging Ireland
The line out is not straight, Emerging Ireland opts for a scrum