Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Good defense by Gloucester and Treviso get the line out, not straight though and Glos have the scrum, Burns and May link up but Treviso knock on

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Maul formed by Glos but into touch but a penalty to Glos for lifting at the maul by Treviso

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Penalty to Glos at the scrum and Laidlaw kicks corner

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Treviso dot down in goal and Glos have a scrum 5m out, good pressure!

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Glos lineout on halfway after a great tackle, May is bundled out by the corner flag good defense!

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Penalty from the scrum for Glos ad Laidlaw looks for points

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Skew through by Treviso gives Glos a 5m scrum

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Neat kick from Hook turns Treviso who have a 5m lineout from their line

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Treviso finally exit and a good charge by Laidlaw pressures Haywards kick to 24m out

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

May beats one and they get a scrum from the ruck that followed