Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Ransom scampers down the line with a chip and chase

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

The referee awards Irish a penalty and Bell clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Edinburgh doing well with 14 men, not under too much pressure

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Edinburgh get a chance to ping the corner which they do. They win the lineout and drive at the line

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Kinghorn gets over with a clever chip and chase

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Irish chip away at the try line but knock on in the process giving the home side a chance to clear

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Infreingements in the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Irish are battering away at the Edinburgh line but the defense is holding strong

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Irish win another penalty and opt for the scrum again

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Irish put the pressure on in the scrum and win a penalty as a result.