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Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dragons extend their lead as Anscombe restarts, taken by Lewis who clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty to the Dragons for the tackler not rolling away and they will kick for goal

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dragons have advantage

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Wide to Olowofela on the right

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Out to Holmes into the line around the Ospreys 22

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Sam Davies sets up an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Yellow card for Watkin for a tip cleanout above the horizontal

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

TMO having a look at a dangerous cleanout prior to the Ospreys penalty

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Holding on and the Ospreys win the penalty at the breakdown and will kick for goal

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Box kick from Morgan-Williams taken by the Dragons