Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Nifty snipe from the scrum-half who evades the Leinster defence and dots down under the posts.

Nevershave Feb 2

I'd say they feel like they're the away side after this pasting

Maris Newsome Feb 2

An Laighain Abú!!

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Pretorius is over for the Dragons!

Shane O. Feb 2

Well done dragons

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

What has happened to these defences!

Anders Wadovski Feb 2

Fiddy points. That's a paddlin.

Shane O. Feb 2

Dragons getting slaughtered at home

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

A hugely dominant Leinster scrum take them right up to the Dragons line, both McGrath and Conan get their hands on the ball to touch down but the credit is given to the scrum-half.

Richard Mifsud Feb 2

Jaysus 😱