Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Scrum Treviso

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Warren knocks the ball on in contact just inside Dragons 10m

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Positive running from Dragons - they press inside Treviso territory. Evans and Jackson once again potent attackers

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Dragons scrum on half way

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Hayward rises to gather on half way but is unable to control

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Tovey looks to expose Treviso's Ragusi by kicking in behind but the winger reacts well to gather and clear

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Treviso look to attack once again but a wild pass from Bacchin fails to go to hand and rolls behind Ragusi and in to touch. Dragons LO just inside Treviso half

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Dragons restart and Smylie gathers before taking the ball in to contact

Shane O. Oct 10

Come on dragons

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

16-12 the score