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Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Carty clears infield, Dragons run it back through Williams

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Game on, 20 to play

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Carty pushes his conversion wide

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Long looping pass out to local hero Mack Hansen, the defence is working hard to get to him and he steps inside three defenders to score and score a little closer to the poles

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Slow ball and the heavies move in

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Oliver 7m out and then Dillane stopped 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Huge hit by Doge on Delahunt

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Dillane takes the line out, maul set

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Scrum penalty to the home side, Binding the issue. Carty to touch in the Dragons 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Scrum Connacht to restart