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Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Another penalty to the visitors as Daly does not roll away fast enough

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Connacht pinged at the breakdown and Dragons kick to touch

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Carty with a great long kick and nearly bags a 50/22 kick by the visitors scramble back

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Bealham carry

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Connacht turn it and Dillane carries it up

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Loose ball by Dragons and somehow Wainwright comes away with it and runs 30m

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Scrum reset

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Heffernan knocks it, opening scrum of the game loading

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Cleared and Connacht under pressure but then fumble after a quick recycle

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Williams under pressure at the back off the clearing kick but he secures it well