champions cup
Phil S. Apr 4

Waller should be red carded for that

Paul Addeson Apr 4

Hahaha Phil.

Phil S. Apr 4

Now now Pjw - he didn't assault Wayne Barnes; insulted him and called him a f@@@ing cheat (and had the entire 2nd half to come up with an excuse) but he didn't assault him

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Rare penalty at the scrum for Saints allows Myler to clear

Brian Allen Apr 4

Injury I think. TV showed him being helped with arm support. Too many injuries for premiership run in.

Pjw Apr 4

Bans toiling 50 weeks for gouging biting head butting and assaulting refs speak for themselves! Paul

MC Apr 4

Personally I would pick Faz for that award ... But point is valid

Phil S. Apr 4

Yeah he was MC (and trying to ref it too)
Nice shot of him 10 mins or so ago, he lookedclose to tears

Pjw Apr 4

Why thank you

Paul Addeson Apr 4

A bit hard hash.