Ultimate Rugby 4w

Lost and then a deliberate knock on gives the Sharks the penalty, Masuku finds touch

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Bulls look to maul 5m out

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Into the final quarter

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Scrum penalty Bulls and Chamberlain kicks for the corner

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Big scrum Bulls and they have it with advantage

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Lost forward for a Sharks scrum

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Back to Masuku who clears, Williams runs it back

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Sharks in front as Chamberlain restarts onto Hendrikse

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Great hands to Julius who flies away down the right and he plays it back inside to Hendrikse to finish in the corner

Ultimate Rugby 4w

Box kick from Williams and the Sharks have it back