Mauritz B. Oct 10

To make it a one score game.

Cameron Hastings Oct 10

Need three and then a try

Larry B. Oct 10

Yeah, was the just me or what?

Mauritz B. Oct 10

One try away, down to the wire.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Dean Mumm not rolling away. Simple kick for Laidlaw

Darren R Oct 10

Why go for three. Go to corner and go for try.

Cameron Hastings Oct 10

Larry see the multiple before Aussies?

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Again Australia fail to roll away. Laidlaw will go for the 3 points.

Darren R Oct 10

Been bigger beards in Scottish team. Strauss is true world class yeah

Larry B. Oct 10

anyone else see knock on in the ruck a few phases before the try