Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

The ref is checking TMO to see if the ball went between the posts.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Masilevu does all the hard work on the right side of the field, Lamoulie gives a little kick and a try is made under the poles when he collects.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

After a loose ball is collected and a broken defense is beaten for Heriteau to score.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Carbonel gets another shot at the posts after a penalty.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

RCT collect the ball and kick clear.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Carbonel kicks for touch.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Agen get a penalty for a high tackle on Hoarau.

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Huge hit from Tarazona!

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Toulon have the ball in the midfield

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Agen have the ball on their 22m before clearing