Autumn Nations Series
Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Matera takes it up in midfield on the 22

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Wales back up to 15 players

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Penalty at the breakdown to Arg, Carreras sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Matera sends it left to de la Fuente

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Free kick at the scrum to Wales, Priestland clears

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Held up in the tackle, maul called, use it or lose it and Wales get the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Orlando takes it up in midfield

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Penalty for Arg and Carreras sets up an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Box kick from Tomos Williams onto Boffelli

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

14 point ball game as Carreras restarts