Hastoy tries to give a kick back downfield for possession but it's not what he was hoping for and UBB get a bit of a headstart on their attack because of it
Lucu sends the ball downfield with a box kick
UBB gather the restart well
UBB receive a scrum penalty and Jalibert will kick for poles
UBB take too long to jump in the lineout and instead, Pau receive a scrum inside their ten metre line
Ugena concedes a penalty for Pau at the restart and Jalibert clears for touch past the Pau ten metre line
UBB maul fifteen metres deeper into the Pau half and then receive a penalty that they will attempt to kick at poles
Pagadizaval gathers well in the lineout and UBB maul the ball
Barrett gathers the restart before sending it to Daubagna who clears for touch over his own ten metre line
Pau win their lineout on the UBB 22 and the ref plays the advantage. Pau continue but are soon brought back and Hastoy lines up his tee from the subsequent penalty