Pau send the ball through the hands and UBB attempt an interception but they're caught offside. Pau get the penalty
UBB attempt to steal the ball but knock it on. It's a Pau scrum on the UBB ten metre line
Pau gather well from the restart and Hastoy sends the ball out for touch inside the UBB half
Jalibert does well from the restart but a good forced turnover from Whitelock means that Pau get the penalty
UBB will have a crack at poles from the penalty
Lam forces the turnover as Pau hold on at the breakdown
Pau do well in the lineout and play the ball through the hands
Pau win the lineout and Hastoy sends the ball deep into the UBB 22 before a kick from Jalibert finds touch over his ten metre line
Jalibert eventually gains the ball after UBB gain possession and then sends it out with a kick over the Pau ten metre line
Pau steal the ball in the scrum and Hastoy sends the ball with the boot