Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

France win the lineout and look to attack but they throw a loose pass which Kolisi intercepts and then offloads to Jantjies who gets over the line for a try

Mauritz B. Jun 6

Please never stop playing like this

Shane O. Jun 6

What a game

Mauritz B. Jun 6


Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Penalty France as SA infringe at the breakdown. Doussain clears downfield

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

SA manage to secure possession after the lineout and clear downfield.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

SA win the lineout and Jantjies clears downfield

Shane O. Jun 6

Been a good game fair play

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

The ball comes for Huget who makes good ground but is forced into touch, lineout SA

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

The lineout is overthrown and France gather possession. They send the ball wide to Spedding who makes an excellent break