Ciaran Gleeson Feb 2

Come on Ireland

Graeme Henry Feb 2

Scotland are defending well...ish. But Ireland's playing tight and well.

Rory Carr Feb 2

Definitely best choice above ogara

Paudie C. Feb 2

It's not bad Ireland! The young guys are o.k they'll learn go get them in the second half.

Jennifer Bradburn Feb 2

Good attempt, just a shame it was a wee bit short.

Jennifer Bradburn Feb 2

Good attempt, just a shame it was a wee but short.

Bridie D'Alton Feb 2

That's how you do it Paddy

Matt Feb 2

It is. Scotland barely touched ball and Ireland squandering chances

Peter B. Feb 2

We look clueless after the first phase play

George Rivas Feb 2

im not watching the game but from here it looks pretty boring