Ian Keatley misses he's first penalty after a harsh call against Jonathan Davies.
Ian Keatley gets the second half underway.
Half Time.
Munster lead but Scarlets bossed that half but somehow find themselves behind.
Refs had a shocker I can count on one hand how many times Munster players rolled away shocking calls
He completely grounded the top of the ball then get held up
Home fans not happy with some of the refs calls.
Another penalty against the Scarlets for going off their feet. Kick able for Ian Keatley.
Try Munster. An intercept try from Gerhard Van Den Heever. Munster were under pressure at scrum time, the home side pass the ball wide and knock it on, Gerhard Van Den Heever takes off and touches down under the posts. Van Den Heever converts.
Munster lead really against the run of play.
Pace merchant!!
That's much better. Serious pace