Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Naiyaravoro takes a close pass to bash it up to the line. Wasps close on him quickly. Saints keep it with the forwards before winning a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saints win a scrum inside the 22m after a Wasps mistake

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Good try from Wasps. Umaga takes a wrap around pass from Gopperth on the angle, he quickly puts Bassett into the gap to score

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Wasps scrum on the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saints win the lineout, Biggar kicks long but it has too much on it as it rolls into the deadball

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Lineout is on the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Furbank knocks on from the restart after some pressure from Wasps

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saints win another penalty just inside the Wasps half. Biggar will have crack at the points

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Umaga clears past halfway. Furbank takes it quickly

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saints carry up to the 5m. Clever inside pass is knocked on. Wasps have the first scrum