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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Northampton have a 5m lineout after Bristol cleared

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Good work from Grayson to take it into the 22m before putting Hill away down the wing

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Bristol try to run it out their 22m, before Purdy slices his clearance to touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Grayson gets the second half underway

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Its been all Bristol for most of the half, They opened a 14 point lead and looked in control, but Saints pressed on and controlled the last 10 minutes of the half to eventually score and give themselves a chance

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints press on and create an overlap. Grayson flings a long pass over to Isiekwe to score in the corner

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints up to the 5m keeping it tight

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Saints awarded a late penalty inside the Bristol 22m. They kick to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Naulago flies down the wing in open space, but the pass is called forward

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Hutchinson finds touch in the Bristol 22m