Untitled design (4)
Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Into the final quarter of the match

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Stoppage in play

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Stolen by the Stormers but Swiel has kicked it out on the full, back for a Lions throw

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Turnover from the Lions and they look to run from deep as they throw it wide to Viljoen on the left

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lombard clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Viljoen carries it up

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lions back in it as Swiel restarts

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Brilliant cut out pass from Smit to Ulengo who crashes over in the right hand corner

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lions keep it tight within 5m of the line

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lions look to maul