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Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Zebre look to maul

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Slick hands out to Larmour on the left and he chips ahead to touch

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Out to O'Brien who finds Adam Byrne on the switch

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Stolen lineout Leinster

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Final 10 minutes of the half

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Side entry at the breakdown from Leinster, penalty Zebre and Rizzi sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Loose pass scooped up by McGrath who races away up towards the Zebre 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Flat ball to Cronje in midfield

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Giammarioli carries at the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Holding on and Zebre win the penalty at the breakdown, Rizzi finds touch