Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Burns adds the extras.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Great try from Tigers - Burns starts off the attack with an intercept, Tigers go through the phases and Burns spots a gap 5 metres out and bundles over.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Sharks turn over at the line out but Burns intercepts and set off on attack.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Sharks make a mistake as Haley kicks out on the full and Tigers will have a line out just inside the Sharks half.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Kick sails over and Sharks hold a 7 point lead.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty Sharks after Tigers take Bryn Evans down in the air from the line out. MacGinty going for the sticks.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Tigers can't make anything off the possession and Sharks now have a line-out in their half.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty Tigers after Evans is penalised at the breakdown - Burns finds touch with a good kick

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Sale now on the attack.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Free kick to Sharks as Tom Youngs penalised at the lineout for obstruction.