Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Tigers try to spread the ball but a fumble by Thompstone means its a scrum midfield on the halfway.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Tigers kick ahead but is well fielded by Charnley

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Tigers front row earn themselves a penalty and send the ball up the line.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Sharks looked to be over the line but the final offload couldn't go to hand and was knocked on,scrum Tigers 5 out from their own line.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Sharks spreading the ball excellently here.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

And there's an instant penalty for a kick chaser is offside, Sharks kick up to just inside the Tigers half.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Burns gets us back underway.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Both sides retaking the field here.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

And with the final act of the first half Burns strokes it over the bar to keep building their lead.

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Tigers progressing to the 22 and earn a penalty, Burns signals at the posts as the clock passes the 40 minute mark.