Grenoble gets hold of possession and manages well to get inside opponent 22m
Dussartre breaks the line and but then loses possession through a hard hit
Harlequins turned over at the scrum and Grenoble kick downfield and the home side will have to play from the back
Brown ensures it doesn't go into touch then kicks its and now the away side will have to play it out from their own half
Harlequins whistled for side entry and Grenoble kick away.
Grenoble turn ball over in Harlequins own 22 and go through the phases. Play comes back with the advantage and Grenoble opt for the sticks.
Forward pass from Grenoble and Harlequins got the scrum on the away side's 10 metre line
We are underway are Grenoble have a lovely start to the half
The ref brings play to half time, great open half from both sides
A well formed driving maul bring an opportunity for Crumpton!